Receive a copy of New and Accepted Quote Emails

You can opt in to receive a copy of all New (sent) and Accepted Quote Emails.

This can be useful if you:

  • need to copy in a manager
  • use a CRM app that has an email integration feature (that’s not already supported by Quotient)

To setup an email to copy to, go to Account Settings → Notifications.

Note: For multiple email addresses, use a comma to separate. By default, the Quote Author receives a copy of Accepted Quote Emails.

Customer Email vs Your Copy

The email you’d receive is slightly different from the email your customer would receive. Your email will have “- COPY” appended to the subject, and will include a brief snippet with some extra details such as the ‘potential value’ (sent) or ‘accepted value’ (accepted).

Note: Your customer does not receive these value details on their emails. Depending on your setup, these values will generally be tax exclusive.